Comentariile membrilor:

 =  dignity...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[31.May.07 11:24]
Excellent poem of hurt an dignity.

PS please revise:
it’s not need - it's no need (or) it's not needed

 =  thank you
Heghedus Camelia
[31.May.07 11:35]
very much Romulus!

 =  class
Edilberto González Trejos
[13.Jun.07 19:37]
How great are your metaphores!!!
Pride but also class, Cami

 =  You
Heghedus Camelia
[14.Jun.07 05:45]
are too kind, Ed. This is something simple. I even don’t know if I have the right of naming poetries my “poetries”. Sometimes I feel the need to erase almost all of them.
Thank you very much, I’m glad to hear you again!

 =  shell...
Marius Surleac
[17.Mar.08 15:24]
There is an opened shell for mysteries, for new, for all that happens around, and metaphors for life existences.
Good job Camelia!
Have a nice day!

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