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 =  to be revised
Luminita Suse
[21.Nov.05 19:46]
I walked all day long in the park
instead of walking, like always, between thoughts
this cost me a lot

I approached of a tree
I wish I could live
like it
my tears to go like

I looked [at] the animals
I wish I live
like an animal
I separatly looked [at]
the fences, the houses, the street

I fingered out
I didn't wish to live
near people
I was alone
it seems I started to dream about you
the earth is our icon
we pray to see my dream

my child is asking me
why that man repairs
the walls
because are white
it constructs a house
I didn't build anything at all
I made a lonelyness chronick
My ankles were frozen
I was gathering him by his hand
Imagining my self that I closed all the doors
that we must be most afraid.
One day I will tell him
how somebody is gathering us and sharing us
like in a game

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