Comentariile membrilor:

 =  I really liked it!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[30.Oct.05 02:50]
Its nice to read some of your texts again, perhaps I got a glimpse of my own reflection towards your expression, I like how you used those words, I think we really have something in common, i'll gonna add you on my yahoo messenger contacts, lets talk about our texts and poems,
just add me also: [email protected]

 =  thank you both
Dana Muºat
[13.Nov.05 12:47]
Thank you Joshua, thank you Alin.

 =  Captain & boat
Edilberto González Trejos
[13.Nov.05 22:11]
This is different and exquisite.
Yet the title could relate to us to a common ground, then your sensitivity is like a Captain leading the boat of your poem to a Unique Shore.


 =  Songo, thanks
Dana Muºat
[14.Nov.05 12:28]

thanks again for passing-by.

Yes, maybe the title is common, but i haven't feel to put another one.

Thanks for reading me and for ypur opinions.

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Înapoi !