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 =  A very wonderful poem with deep feelings!
Marius Surleac
[12.Feb.08 10:09]
A very nice poem with a deep sense in esoterically India, with strong belief kept inside common people that worships their universal emperor Bharata - but also thought like a Rudra, which is the early form of Shiva.
So the poem is governed by strong beliefs, endurance and inner freedom for the people of India.
I loved it!

 =  Thank you
Stefania Klein
[12.Feb.08 12:25]
I believe you know more about incredible India then I do. Though I managed to reach you somehow.... that's a good feeling.
If you're going through Bharat... keep going. :) (me)

 =  We all shall keep going!
Marius Surleac
[12.Feb.08 15:17]
You welcome!
Actually I never been to India, but is my dream to visit it. I love all that means INDIA, the buddism, the people, the country ... all!
Nice point of view in your poem!

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