Comentariile membrilor:

+ how true...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[02.Feb.08 12:34]
superb panseé, felt and true, like an amen at the end of a prayer...

+ Poetic Knowledge - Felix
Edilberto González Trejos
[02.Feb.08 15:44]
Poetry with capital P, the one that delves into intuition bringing forth THAT Knowledge Science and Faith do not reach completely.
Pure Poetry!

 =  - the birds are flying through us without the slightest suspicion
John Willy Kopperud
[02.Feb.08 19:27]
Brilliant conclusion on this one, Felix!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Dynamo
John Willy Kopperud
[02.Feb.08 19:34]
Felix, I consider it an honor to take part in the "dynamizing of this site" as you express it! I accept.

Cheers from Willy

 =  bow
felix nicolau
[02.Feb.08 20:09]
i'm happy you liked this old piece of mine. i modified it a bit, not to repeat "and". thx for reading

 =  if out for a kill, go for the jugular
ion amariutei
[03.Feb.08 09:39]
looking at the picture i was almost sure you'll use the word "hunter" in this poem. a blur of intent waiting for decisive, deadly action. it's almost there, but not quite and i really wanted it to be there. so much in fact that i'll break the rules once more:

you often become
what you kill

hunter so still
that birds are flying through you
without the slightest suspicion

 =  drill
felix nicolau
[03.Feb.08 19:15]
i think your version is even more drilling. thx, ion!

 =  Deep feeling!!!
Marius Surleac
[04.Feb.08 19:32]
Powerful aspect which represents the dilution of feelings. It touches your mind deeper than I've been expected.
Very surprising!!!

 =  Email must be made functional
John Willy Kopperud
[04.Feb.08 18:49]

Felix! Sorry to inform you that my email as og here and now is out of function.
I'll do my very best to get it back on track this week! In the meantime I can only
be reached through the open channel here. Thank you very much for inviting me to
the team!

Cheers from Willy

 =  I like it, Felix!
Sydney Krivenko
[08.Feb.08 00:01]
Very deep Felix!

 =  how 'bout this ?
dan marius
[09.Feb.08 17:55]
ready freddie :) nice work although a little neat for my taste. well I liked it better in romanian. this is my english version.

the far cast
often returns
fiercely hitting
my forehead
& the spring gets filled with
so much solitude
that the birds fly through us
without the slightest

 =  great
felix nicolau
[11.Feb.08 14:41]
don't know why my long ago response to you didn't appear. anyway, i like more your version

 =  thanks
dan marius
[13.Feb.08 03:54]
it's actually your version :) I wanted to get it a little bit closer to the romanian, original text.

 =  :))
felix nicolau
[13.Feb.08 22:45]
that's why ;)

 =  Compressed existential surrealism...
John Willy Kopperud
[18.May.08 18:57] this one Felix - read it again just now. My words above are just acceptance of your invitation to the team. This is
my appreciation of this original and concise poem.
Cheers from Willy - who thinks it's an intriguing challenge
to be a team member.

 =  One could never
Simona Sumanaru
[29.Aug.08 17:31]
stress enough on the boomerang effect of our life choices. The things/people/dreams we've thrown away will always come back to haunt us. I'm inclined to see this as a moralizing, elliptic story, Tagore style.

Makes me think of the stones I've cast, and what can I do to detour them on their way back, so they won't steal my spring. I think you accomplished your poetic task gracefully.

 =  simona
felix nicolau
[14.Oct.08 23:00]
sorry for my late response, but i wasn't warned by email. the comparison with Tagore is very demanding and really annihilates my poor text

 =  felix
Simona Sumanaru
[14.Oct.08 23:21]
modesty is good, bravo. tagore himself was very demanding I gather. the guy had a lot to offer so, in my view, he was very much entitled to lots of demanding. however, they say the biggest truths lie in simple things/words, and I agree. So I stand by my opinion and say this text is strong. Sorry.

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